
Have you scheduled for one of our assessment products?

Assessments are used by employers to measure your work-related cognitive capacity. Aptitude tests are one of the most commonly used assessments in measuring candidates’ suitability for a role. The most commonly used set of cognitive tests include – abstract/logical reasoning, verbal/critical reasoning and numerical reasoning.

It is recommended to prepare well before taking our assessment by trying one of our sample assessments.

Below are some tips to read before taking our assessments.

Personality Assessment

  1. The assessment is not timed, but to ensure that your responses are accurate, please provide the answer that first comes to your mind.
  2. There are no right or wrong answers. Each candidate has unique traits that describe her/his individual personality
  3. Do not leave the assessment unless you have fully completed it. The page will expire 5 minutes after closing it.
  4. If the page is refreshed, please click on the ‘resume’ button to return to your assessment. Do not click on the ‘start new’ button as this will require a new token to be entered.

Aptitude Assessment

  1. Take the assessment at a location with good internet connectivity to prevent the assessment session from expiring.
  2. Choose a quiet area to take the assessment as you will need to concentrate when it comes to answering the questions.
  3. The assessment is limited to 91 minutes. You may complete it in a shorter time but you will not be allocated extra time as the session will time-out as soon as the 91 minutes have passed.
  4. Each section is separately timed. If the allocated time per section has passed you will be automatically taken to the next section.
  5. Do not spend too much time on one question. If you face difficulty answering a question, take a guess and move on to the next one.
  6. You do not lose marks for wrong answers.
  7. Make sure you keep track of the timer at the top of the assessment page.
  8. You may use a calculator where needed. You may use the PC calculator or your personal calculator.
  9. If you face any connection issues, reload/refresh the assessment page and then click on the ‘resume’ button that pops up.

Assessment Center

  1. Make sure you get enough rest before attending the assessment center as you will go through a series of different assessments throughout the day.
  2. Do not be late to the assessment center, this may affect your overall score.
  3. You will be given your day schedule along with the locations of the different rooms you will be using for different assessments. Make sure you are aware of those so you do not show up late to any them.
  4. While taking the online assessments, you will not be required to communicate with any of your assessment center colleagues. If you have any questions during the assessment, please raise your hand and one of the ASSESS members will assist you.
  5. Please leave all assessment center related documents in the rooms you found them in. You will not be required to take any of them with you once you have completed the assessment center.
  6. Your final rating/score will depend on all exercises you go through during the assessment center, so do your best in all exercises.